The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) now recommends umbilical cord clamping within 30 to 60 seconds after birth. For full term infants, clamping improves their iron supplies during the first few months, which assists in the development of cognitive, motor, and behavioral skills. For preterm infants, the delay improves circulation and builds up the volume of red blood cells. The need for blood transfusions at birth is reduced, too. The mother’s risk of developing postpartum hemorrhages or suffering blood loss during the birth also decrease.
Although giving birth brings joy to parents, it still is a medical procedure fraught with potential complications for both the mother and infant. If an obstetrician does not adhere to best practices for delivery, it could have far-reaching effects for both the mother and her child.
If you or a loved one developed medical complications during childbirth due to a doctor’s negligence, contact an experienced medical malpractice lawyer at the Marrone Law Firm, LLC at 866-732-6700. Contact us online for a free consultation to learn how we can help.