Rideshare companies have had a tremendous impact on how we get around. Given their popularity, it should be no surprise that the number of drivers has dramatically grown. Unfortunately, the amount of wrecks involving these services has also increased.
When you are in a rideshare crash, do not hesitate to contact a legal professional. A Philadelphia Uber/Lyft accident lawyer could answer all your questions, including what to expect during litigation and what your claim might be worth. Our reliable car collision attorneys could help you maximize the recoverable compensation in your case.
Rideshare operators must rely on their mobile app while driving, which can draw their attention away from the road. They also frequently travel to parts of town they are unfamiliar with. Aside from these distinctive risks, other causes of rideshare crashes include the following:
An Uber and Lyft collision lawyer in Philadelphia could pursue legal action based on any of these careless acts. Call Marrone Law Firm, LLC today to learn more.
It can be difficult to hold rideshare companies directly accountable through a personal injury lawsuit. They treat their drivers as independent contractors, which means suing them for actions taken by their employees is usually not an option. The only exception is when the company’s negligent acts directly cause a crash.
While a lawsuit may not be possible, an insurance claim may be. These companies are required by law to provide their drivers with supplemental liability insurance that goes beyond what the operator personally carries.
The limits on these policies depend on the circumstances. While the maximum coverage is available when a rider carries a passenger, the potential for recovery is reduced in other circumstances. A hardworking attorney in Philadelphia who covers Uber and Lyft accident cases could provide insight into available coverage.
Determining if a rideshare company’s insurance will cover a wreck depends on whether the driver was actively using the Uber or Lyft app at the time. If the app is off and a passenger is not in the vehicle, the driver is considered to be on a personal errand. Companies are not required to provide insurance in these situations.
Insurance coverage kicks in when a person turns on their mobile app and begins searching for a rider to match with. However, only limited compensation is available. An injured party must also exhaust the driver’s own insurance before they can pursue a claim for additional compensation.
The maximum coverage is available as soon as a driver matches with a rider. This remains true until the passenger is dropped off at their location. These policies will pay up to $1 million in bodily injury or property losses after a crash. In addition to other motorists, any paying passengers could also file a claim.
You may be entitled to damages if you have been hurt in a collision. A rideshare company’s insurance policy could cover those costs if one of their drivers is responsible for the incident.
Let our dedicated team assist you every step of the way. Schedule a private consultation with a Philadelphia Uber/Lyft accident lawyer at Marrone Law Firm, LLC today to discuss your legal options.