Severe industrial accidents are usually sudden and totally unexpected. Many workers end up with severe bodily harm, disability, and potentially even death. They may happen in many industrial or manufacturing settings and often involve negligence on someone’s part.
Causes may include mechanical failures, hazardous materials, or inadequate training; but no matter the cause, a seasoned workplace accident attorney is ready to assist in filing suit. Speak to a Philadelphia industrial accident lawyer at the Marrone Law Firm, LLC, to schedule an appointment and review your case.
Some of the common types of industrial accidents leading to personal injury cases include the following:
After reviewing the case, an attorney could answer specific questions about filing an industrial workplace lawsuit in Philadelphia.
The most common causes of industrial mishaps are from a lack of safety equipment or proper training. The second common reason is negligent co-workers, which can often include recklessness or a lack of training to carry out specific duties. It is not uncommon to see someone experience brain damage, severe spinal cord injuries, crushing injuries, and even wrongful death.
Unfortunately, industrial accident fatalities are more common than most think, and the number of catastrophic accidents has been rising. The studies and data provided by the federal U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, show that transportation accidents are the most substantial cause of fatal work injuries in Pennsylvania.
The second most significant cause is exposure to hazardous and harmful substances and accidents involving heavy machinery, such as crushing injuries. Companies must take the appropriate steps to train workers and maintain a safe work environment, or else risk being liable for accidents.
Industrial accident prevention requires organizations to combine proper training, safety practices, and a culture of safety in the workplace. Some examples include:
Establishing fault requires an exhaustive investigation and evidence analysis to understand the cause and build a powerful case. An industrial accident lawyer in Philadelphia could investigate to determine why the incident occurred and collect the essential evidence to establish liability. If an employer did not promote a culture of safety, that could expose them to a negligence claim.
Unfortunately, industrial accidents are relatively common in Philadelphia and can leave those involved with life-threatening or fatal injuries. You could be eligible for compensation if you suffered severe injuries in an industrial-related accident because of someone else’s negligence.
Schedule a consultation with a Philadelphia industrial accident lawyer at the Marrone Law Firm, LLC, to begin preparing your case. Seasoned counsel could answer your questions and help guide you through the challenging recovery claims process while fighting for the fair settlement you need and deserve.